Other Versions:
1/ 2nd Edition
The second edition was published in Meiji 6 (1874), and had a new set of blocks to print the e-hon book, a yellow cover with green title. Press the click to read button to access the complete album below :
Estimated Value: Ref # EHON16a
2/ 3rd Edition
The third edition was published in 1919 and uses the same blocks of the 2nd edition. The cover is blue with red title, and the paper much thicker than the 2nd edition.
Estimated Value: ref # EHON16b
3/ 4th Edition
The fourth edition was published in 1948, using a new set of blocks. The paper is even thicker than the third edition, cover is white with black title.
Estimated Value: ref # EHON16c
4/ 5th Edition
The fifth edition was published in the mid 1960's, using the same blocks than the 4th edition. The prints are in 2 colors, black and salmon. The cover uses a yellow cover with blue title
Estimated Value: ref # EHON16d
5/ There might be more edition, not referenced yet. if/when we would run into them, the website will be updated accordingly...