Other Versions:
1/ Mokuhansha Takamizawa's Replica 1930's
Images 1 & 2 are the replica, image 3 is the original for comparison.
An easy way to identify this replica is from the missing hair meche on each woman. (See highlighted section of pic 2)
Estimated Value: ref # OS7UH1b
2/ Adachi's Replica 1925's Edition
Images 1 & 2 are the replica, image 3 is the original for comparison.
An easy way to identify this replica is from the missing yellow background section omitted, probably because the model used was trimmed. (See highlighted section of pic 2)
3/ Kobayashi Bunshichi's Replica Early 1900's
Images 1 & 2 are the replica, image 3 is the original for comparison.
Although this is a very well reproduced copy, there is an easy way to distinguish the original from the replica :
1/ The original has 3 branches of dark pink, the copy has only 2 branches
2/ The bottom roots are much thicker in the replica than the original
3/ The original has a diamond type of shape, as the replica has a triangle type of shape
4/ There are more teeth in the replica than in the original
5/ Bears Kobayashi Bunshichi' seal on the lower right corner. Someone has attempted to hide it on this print, most likely to attempt to sell it as an original, but here is what the seal look like :